
United to Beat Malaria 

As protectors of public health, OPMA is well aware of the impacts mosquitoes and other pests can have on the health and safety of families, restaurants, and businesses.

That’s why we are partnering with United to Beat Malaria (formerly Nothing But Nets), the world’s largest grassroots campaign to stop the spread of malaria. Malaria is a deadly, but preventable AND treatable disease spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.

Despite tremendous progress made in the fight against malaria, a child still dies nearly every minute from this deadly disease.

OPMA is committed to changing this statistic by donating a portion of proceeds to United to Beat Malaria to protect vulnerable families. We hope you will join us in supporting this great cause.

Learn More and Donate


The National Pest Management Association's PestVets group is committed to engaging veterans in their successful transition to a productive and rewarding career in the pest management industry. To learn more email [email protected]